Tips & Tricks for Moving On After a Break-up

Tips & Tricks for Moving On After a Break-up

After dealing with a few broken hearts, I’ve come up with some foolproof methods to quickly get anyone out of the dumps. It took me quite some time to figure it out, but after a while I found what worked for me and I hope it can help you too!

Remember, it’s all about your mentality and perspective. Nobody has control over your emotions but YOU. Try your best to look at this in a positive manner, and that will make all the difference. Without further or due…


Let yourself be upset. I’m not talking about weeks, but if you need a few days, take that time for yourself. It’s ok to reflect on past memories, but realize there are so! many! more! great! memories ahead of you.


And cue the jam sessions with your friends!

My first go-to after a break-up because it is SO. EMPOWERING. Sing and scream at the top of your lungs, get it alllllll out. I promise you’ll feel so much better getting some energy out. Also, seeing that other people have been in your shoes and have come out the other side is a great mentality booster.

Tip: Break-up playlists are not JUST for break-ups! When you’re looking to get amped up,  channel what it would feel like to be that person in the song, going through those emotions.


Occupy ALL your time with friends, family, work, etc.

Surround yourself with people who are going to help you out of your “funk” as I like to call it. My best friends know instantly when I’m in one of my funks, and what always brings me back to reality is turning my phone off (seriously makes all the difference), focusing on my friends and making memories. When you distract yourself with close friends who love you and want to help you, it’s hard to even let that sadness in for a second. Use this time to really dive into something and be productive. Leading to my next tip…


Phone number, Snapchat. Unfollow on everything.

It might sound drastic at first, but how do you plan on moving on when you’re going to be seeing pictures of them, or you can easily text them? Nope. I HIGHLY recommend doing this. Do what YOU have to do, for YOU. Don’t feel bad for doing this, you can always re-follow them later once you’re in a better place.

Tip: If you’re not comfortable completely deleting them, give their phone number to a friend you trust. Someone who won’t give you that number when you give the puppy dog eyes. It’ll make you think, “Do I really need to text them? Or do I just want what I can’t and don’t have?” Really question yourself here, because chances are, you’re still breathing and you don’t actually need it or even want it.


“The best form of revenge is a good body,” -Khloe Kardashian.

Whatever this means to you, make it happen. Whether it be hitting the gym, going on a walk or kicking a ball around with friends, get your adrenaline going. There’s nothing better than working out, releasing toxins and stress all at the same time. This puts your energy toward something positive and healthy. This is also a great time to bring that break-up playlist back in to the mix. Zone out and focus on the music and, before you know it, your workout will be finished.


The biggest and most important tip: Understand that every person you meet, is brought into your life to teach you something.

Everyone in life is a lesson, whether good or bad. If the relationship was messy? Maybe they taught you what you DON’T want in your next relationship. If it was great but just fizzled out? Maybe they showed you a characteristic that you really appreciate and can now look for in others. Sometimes it’s a simple lesson, like introducing you to new foods, or teaching you new things. If you’re having trouble pinpointing what that lesson was, don’t worry! Sometimes it takes time. (Um, Thank U, Next for example people?)


Treat yourself, and be confident!

Maybe buy a new outfit, do your hair and makeup. Get dolled up with your friends and go out for dinner or drinks. This is another opportunity to enjoy time with your friends and distract yourself.

Tip: Turn this day into a photoshoot with your friends! It’s a great pick me up, and very therapeutic in my opinion. This also works when you’re feeling a little bland in life.

I hope some of these tips and tricks help you out! Remember, your perspective of the situation makes all the difference, so be positive. Always remember the cliché: sooo many more fish in the sea! Let me know if any of these helped you, or what your go-to tricks are!
