5 Places You Must Visit in Moscow

Moscow! Ugh, you have my heart. As one of the largest cities in the world, there are endless possibilities of what to explore and what to do when you visit the capital of Russia (which can be extremely overwhelming)! There’s nothing worse than visiting a city and then realizing after…

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Russia Diary 1: Homestays & Culture Shock

So… I won’t sugar coat it, studying abroad is tough, especially when there’s a different language at play. I have traveled my entire life so I thought I’d be set to go.. but wow, was I wrong. Studying abroad is completely different than just traveling here or there for a…

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How to Pack for Russian Winters

As I stared at empty suitcases and the mess that had become my room, I had ZERO idea where to even begin when it came to packing for Russia. Since no one had provided me with a list of potential necessities, I took it upon myself to find one online,…

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